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Название: | Next Limit Maxwell Render + Plugins [En] скачать торрент |
Год выпуска: | 2016 |
ОС: | Windows |
Категория: | Графика |
Требования: | Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 2 ГГц Intel® Core2, AMD Athlon 64 или лучше 1 ГБ оперативной памяти минимум. 4 ГБ оперативной памяти рекомендуется 400 МБ свободного пространства на жестком диске для установки Поддержка OpenGL рекомендуется |
Язык интерфейса: | Английский |
Лекарство: | не требуется |
Рейтинг на сайте: |
Максвелл рендер - это автономный движок рендеринга для создания идеальных образов, фильмов и анимаций из 3D моделей. Это готовое решение для тех, кто требует безукоризненных результатов за короткий срок. Максвелл рендер обеспечивает максимальное качество, скорость и совместимость для архитекторов, дизайнеров и художников визуальных эффектов.
Ключевые возможности:
Physically-based Advantages
Based on Reality
Reality means predictable, reliable first-time results. With Maxwell Render, you can focus your valuable time and energy on creating your vision, not struggling with obscure computer graphics terminology and tweaking parameters.
Be confident that your simulations truly reflect reality. Maxwell Render's incredible lighting accuracy means that your materials will look the way they are supposed to, and every detail of your textures and models will play a part in bringing your render to life.
Advanced Ray Tracing
The advanced ray tracing technology which forms the core of Maxwell Render's engine is so powerful that it is capable of simulating light exactly as it is in the real world. No tricks. Just real world physics. Which is why Maxwell Render is the benchmark in render quality.
Physical Sky
The physical sky system in Maxwell Render uses a novel approach, offering a wide range of real-life, physically-correct variables to control the look of the sky and lighting in your scene. You can control your position on Earth (location and time), the sun's aspect, and the atmospheric conditions.
Fast Scene Setup
Computer time is less important and far less expensive than human time. The entire Maxwell Render approach (real world camera, emitter and material parameters) is geared up to save you time on your projects by giving you accurate, predictable results. Don't spend your valuable time endlessly tweaking dozens of parameters, just set your scene with simple Maxwell settings - and move on to your next project!
Extra Sampling
Often when you render an image, residual noise is concentrated in certain areas of the scene due their particular lighting and material characteristics. With the new Extra Sampling feature, you can now define a specific area of your image to be rendered to a higher sampling level than the rest – putting all the render power to the areas where it is most needed, rendering smarter and saving a huge amount of time.
The highly acclaimed Multilight™ feature removes the need to re-render an image when light changes are required. Multilight™ allows you to change the intensities of lights and scene emitters during and after the rendering process, so you can tweak the lighting set up over and over, saving out as many images of the same scene as you like-all from just a single render.
Real-Time Scene Preview
Maxwell FIRE gives you immediate feedback in the renderer for adjustments to lighting, materials and camera settings. And unlike other interactive style renderers, Maxwell FIRE is compatible with ALL Maxwell materials and features.
The Maxwell Material system uses components that can be stacked like layers in an image editing program, so it’s easy to use. The materials are based on real optical properties, creating unrivalled realism.
Ready to use
You have free access to hundreds of ready to use materials online in our community based library.
Materials assistant
A fast-track materials editor which build the basics for you – saving you lots of time. Choose a category and the assistant will help you create perfectly optimised materials for your scene in just seconds!
Realistic Camera Model
The camera in Maxwell Render has all the parameters you would expect in a real camera - f-Stop, Focal Length, Shutter speed, ISO, film size, diaphragm blades. This means that DOF, bokeh and the exposure match your live footage - making the compositing stage far quicker and simpler.
Memory Saving Instances
Instances are a great way to save memory when rendering. With 10,000 instances of 1 object, Maxwell Render will consume the same amount of memory at render time as if it was rendering only the 1 object. Instances are great for creating vegetation, bricks, furniture or any other extensively repeated geometry in your scene.
Accurate 3D Motion Blur
Maxwell Render's accurate 3D motion blur can now handle unlimited sub-steps, and can be set for both a still camera to mimic long exposure effects such as trails of light, and a film camera to show the motion blur effect of fast moving objects. The amount of motion blur is directly controlled from the camera, by either the shutter speed or the rotary shutter angle.
Hair, Grass and Fur
Maxwell Render's hair rendering tool is compatible with many of the most popular hair systems (Maya Shave and a Haircut, Maya hair, 3ds Max hair, CINEMA hair, or Ornatrix). Hair systems are automatically converted to the Maxwell primitive - which is highly optimized for memory consumption and speed. The hair primitive has actual thickness so any Maxwell material can be applied to it, including transparent, refractive materials.
The Maxwell Render grass generator allows you to quickly create grass on a selected piece of geometry. Designed to offer maximum control over the look of the grass - from impeccable detail on close-up shots to fast-rendering further away from the camera. Compatible with Maxwell Studio and almost all supported plugins.
The volumetric feature in Maxwell can work in several ways: as a constant density volumetric object - useful for large atmospheric haze effects or thick fog, it can work with particles files in several formats including RealFlow .bin, and also with density fields/voxels directly from Maya or Houdini.
Particle Rendering
RealFlow Integration
Maxwell Render is compatible 'out of the box' with Next Limit's RealFlow™ software, giving RealFlow™ users the option to use Maxwell Render as their render engine of choice. Render your RealFlow™ particles directly with Maxwell Render, meshing the point cloud at render time.
Maxwell Sea
Maxwell Sea creates realistic ocean surfaces and waves based on the Ocean Statistical Spectrum from RealFlow. Various parameters such as water depth and surface dimensions allow you to produce a convincing water surface, from swimming pools to open ocean. The meshing is only done at render time, meaning it takes up almost no extra space in the .MXS file.
Industry Standart Support
The Alembic file format allows for very efficient storage of geometry and other scene data, which can now be referenced directly in Maxwell. Support for Alembic includes static and animated geometry as well as particles. It also works with the Exocortex CRATE suite of Alembic plugins.
Deep Compositing
Maxwell can render in 'deep image' format, which stores color as well as depth information per pixel, making it much easier to composite rendered objects together as well as eliminating troublesome edge artefacts. You can save the deep info in either .EXR or .DTEX formats, in rgba or alpha.
Pixar Open SubDiv
The Subdivision feature allows you to subdivide low-polygon objects into smooth surfaces, by implementing Pixar OpenSubdiv. Because it's subdividing the geometry only at render time - your scene files take up far less space and can be transferred much faster around your network. OpenSubdiv is owned by Pixar. Copyright (C) Pixar. All rights reserved
Python scripting
Maxwell Render has a Python SDK with online documentation. With Python you have access to almost all the features of Maxwell Render, allowing you to write custom tools such as extracting certain channels from an MXI sequence, rendering a turn-table animation of all your scene assets for easy referencing, creating materials on the fly, network render management and much much more.
Maxwell Render's powerful networking capabilities are multi-platform, allowing for a mixture of Windows, OSX and Linux in the same network. You can set Maxwell Render to render one image using all of your computers, or set each computer to render one animation frame. Complete control and flexibility.
Post Production
Post production plugins
We offer plugins for NUKE, After Effects and Photoshop which can load Maxwell Render's high dynamic range format (MXI).
The Alembic file format allows for very efficient storage of geometry and other scene data, which can now be referenced directly in Maxwell. Support for Alembic includes static and animated geometry as well as particles. It also works with the Exocortex CRATE suite of Alembic plugins.
Custom Alphas
Create unlimited 'layers' of alphas and add any object(s) to those layers, which allows you to isolate the exact objects you need.
Нововведения 3.2 релиза:
Virtual Reality stereo lenses
Gear up for a camera traveling in virtual reality (VR) systems such as Oculus. V3.2 comes with two new lens types: Lat/Long and Stereo Fish Lens which make this possible.
More speed – Subsurface Scattering
Maxwell V3.2 comes with super speed improvements when using subsurface scattering. Remarkable quality, now remarkably faster!
Nested Dielectrics
A major improvement, especially for anyone rendering fluids. Interacting dielectrics render much better now in Maxwell V3.2 with its new Nested Priority method. It is now possible to render complex water/glass/ice surface without numerical issues - just simply add a small overlap between geometries.
PSD Output support
Maxwell V3.2 can now save the render in PSD format in 8, 16 and 32 bits. It supports multi-layered PSD’s so channels and light buffers (when Multilight is enabled) can be embedded as separated passes. Simple!
Extensions API
Third party developers can develop their own procedural geometries, geometry modifiers, procedural textures, camera lens, etc. The possibilities are endless! This API extension is included with the main package and is free for both personal and commercial use.
Procedural Emitters
With V3.2 it’s now possible to apply emitter materials to entities that are not triangle meshes – such as hair/fur, particles and grass.
Separated Reflection & Refraction channels
With V3.2 there are more channel combinations – such as “Diffuse”, “Reflections”, “Diffuse + Reflections”, “Refractions”, “Reflections+Refractions”. Rendering the diffuse and reflective components separately allows for greater flexibility when compositing.
New 'Reflectance' channel
This new channel shows plain colors without the influence of global illumination. It’s very useful for achieving “self-illuminated textures” when used in combination with custom alpha channels.
Improvements in Multilight editor
In V3.2 you can now select and edit multiple emitters at the same time, and there is a new “Sort by name/type/intensity” function.
New 'Asset Reference' extension
You can now reference many different file formats as the geometries are no longer pre-converted to MXS. Instead, Maxwell now works with them directly and they are loaded at render time. A great workflow improvement - especially for 3D platforms with no supported plugin.
Some of the supported formats include OBJ, FBX, Blender, Alembic, DAE, STL, LXO, 3DS, LWO, 3D, etc.
World-Y Grass
This new percentage allows you to define the overall growth direction of your grass blades towards the world-Y axis (sky direction) – giving you more realism in one simple click!
3.2.1 Release Notes:
Fixes in this version
- Improvements in voxelization performance
- Fixed more details in the Onshape connection
- Default value for parallax distance in Lat-Long Stereo lens changed from 3600 to 360
- pymaxwell editor improved to ident/unident blocks of text. Dropping files fixed
- Studio: fixed some procedural textures were displayed in the GUI when they should not
- Fix bug when opening single "Y" channel EXR files.
- Brick procedural texture: fixed random problems with missing paths. Fixed using procedural textures inside map parameters of brick procedural
Fixes included in Early Build version
- Fixed performance issues during voxelization (update your plugin when available)
- Fixed potential crash with motion blur in objects with children
- Improvements in floating shadows in FIRE
- Pymaxwell editor improved
- Fixed some GUI issues
- Studio: Fixed when exporting MXMs material names were cropped if they contained dots
- HDR Light Studio: Fixed problems loading problems under certain scenarios
- Network: Better detection of IP address or hostname of the manager to connect to.
Fixes included in Early Build version
- Fixed several bugs with stereo lenses
- Fixed some Mac GUI issues
- Fixed extensions presets were not loading some map parameters correctly.
- Fixed scene_dependencies.ms script was obsolete.
- Fixed bugs with HDR Light Studio connection
- Improvements in the Onshape connection
- OpenVDB updated to v3.0
Fixes included in Early Build version
- Fixed some threading issues that could be affecting stability
- Fixed some details in hair material assistant
- Onshape connection: fixed bugs in several areas
- Fixed procedural textures were not working with new stereo lenses
- Fixed some gui issues and default values in lens extensions (StereoFish and Lat-Long Stereo)
- Fixed HDR Light Studio v4 was not loading correctly
- Fixed issues with batch renders when Monitor and Manager where running Windows and nodes were running Linux
- Fixed preview jobs was not working
3.2 Release Notes:
New Features
- Nested Dielectrics: Nested priority method for interacting dielectrics. Render complex water/glass/ice surface without numerical issues - just simply add a small overlap between geometries.
- Stereo Lenses: Two new lens types implemented- Stereo Fish Lens and Lat/Long. They are suitable for virtual reality (VR) systems such as Oculus.
- Extensions API: 3rd party developers can now develop their own procedural geometries, geometry modifiers, procedural textures, camera lens, etc.This extension API is included with the main package.
- PSD Output support: Maxwell can now save the render in PSD format in 8, 16 and 32 bits.
- Procedural Emitters: Apply emitter materials to non-triangle mesh entities such as hair, particles, etc.
- Separated Reflection & Refraction channels: Render more combinations such as "Diffuse", "Reflections", "Diffuse + Reflections", "Refractions".
- New "Reflectance" channel: Shows plain colors without the influence of global illumination.
- New "Asset Reference" extension: Reference a variety of file formats directly in Studio without pre-converting to MXS.
- Subsurface Scattering: Significant speed improvements have been made
- Maxwell Scatter: New "remove overlapped" option to avoid collisions between instances generated by the scatter algorithm, and new "uniform scaling" option to avoid undesired deforming when scaling scattered instances
- Multilight editor: Added feature to select and edit multiple emitters at the same time + new "Sort by name/type/intensity" functions
- Grass and Scatter "Grow Towards World-Y" option: This percentage allows you to define if the main growing direction of the blades will be completely vertical towards the world-Y axis (when set to 100%), perpendicular to the "ground" surface (when set to 0%) or at any value in between.
Bug Fixes
- The new "nested dielectrics" feature also fixes artifacts with dielectrics/SSS objects that intersect.
- Fixed artifacts rendering intersecting volumetrics
- Error messaging improved, specially with licensing errors.
- Fixed issues in opaque material type when using textures
- Color space management of input textures improved
- Fixed "hidden from reflections and refractions" was not working properly with coatings.
- Fixed instances of hidden reference were not visible unless they were translated
- Fixed issue with scaled instances of procedural geometries not showing up in the render
- Extra Sampling
- Fixed Extra Sampling with render region was not stopping at the desired sampling level
- Better support for missing paths for bitmap masks
- Fixed custom alpha channels in referenced MXS
- Fixed other minor bugs
- Fixed potential crash in procedural displacement
- Fix potential crash when using EXR in OSX
- Fixed hang when using deep channel at very high resolutions
- Fixed crash when opening/resuming corrupted MXI files
- Fixed issue in texture interpolation
- On the fly displacement improved.
- The new network system (tp_network) is much more stable now. Many features of the old network system have been added.
- Better support for Extra Sampling in cooperative renders
Процедура лечения:
1. Установить программу, вместе с RLM сервером лицензирования (по умолчанию не ставится)
2. Остановить службу сервера "rlm-nl" (панель управления / администрирование / службы)
3. Скопировать 5 файлов в каталог сервера с заменой исходных:
nextlimit.lic / nextlimit.set / rlm.exe / rlmhostid.exe / rlmreread.exe
(в файле лицензий можно поменять поле customer, чтобы изменить имя в окне о программе)
4. Запустите rlm.exe, консоль должна обнаружить файл lic и список лицензий из него
(при запущенном rlm.exe можно посмотреть прочие настройки в http://localhost:5054/home.asp)
5. Запустите службу сервера и на этом лечение завершено
Максвелл рендер - это автономный движок рендеринга для создания идеальных образов, фильмов и анимаций из 3D моделей. Это готовое решение для тех, кто требует безукоризненных результатов за короткий срок. Максвелл рендер обеспечивает максимальное качество, скорость и совместимость для архитекторов, дизайнеров и художников визуальных эффектов.
Ключевые возможности:
Physically-based Advantages
Based on Reality
Reality means predictable, reliable first-time results. With Maxwell Render, you can focus your valuable time and energy on creating your vision, not struggling with obscure computer graphics terminology and tweaking parameters.
Be confident that your simulations truly reflect reality. Maxwell Render's incredible lighting accuracy means that your materials will look the way they are supposed to, and every detail of your textures and models will play a part in bringing your render to life.
Advanced Ray Tracing
The advanced ray tracing technology which forms the core of Maxwell Render's engine is so powerful that it is capable of simulating light exactly as it is in the real world. No tricks. Just real world physics. Which is why Maxwell Render is the benchmark in render quality.
Physical Sky
The physical sky system in Maxwell Render uses a novel approach, offering a wide range of real-life, physically-correct variables to control the look of the sky and lighting in your scene. You can control your position on Earth (location and time), the sun's aspect, and the atmospheric conditions.
Fast Scene Setup
Computer time is less important and far less expensive than human time. The entire Maxwell Render approach (real world camera, emitter and material parameters) is geared up to save you time on your projects by giving you accurate, predictable results. Don't spend your valuable time endlessly tweaking dozens of parameters, just set your scene with simple Maxwell settings - and move on to your next project!
Extra Sampling
Often when you render an image, residual noise is concentrated in certain areas of the scene due their particular lighting and material characteristics. With the new Extra Sampling feature, you can now define a specific area of your image to be rendered to a higher sampling level than the rest – putting all the render power to the areas where it is most needed, rendering smarter and saving a huge amount of time.
The highly acclaimed Multilight™ feature removes the need to re-render an image when light changes are required. Multilight™ allows you to change the intensities of lights and scene emitters during and after the rendering process, so you can tweak the lighting set up over and over, saving out as many images of the same scene as you like-all from just a single render.
Real-Time Scene Preview
Maxwell FIRE gives you immediate feedback in the renderer for adjustments to lighting, materials and camera settings. And unlike other interactive style renderers, Maxwell FIRE is compatible with ALL Maxwell materials and features.
The Maxwell Material system uses components that can be stacked like layers in an image editing program, so it’s easy to use. The materials are based on real optical properties, creating unrivalled realism.
Ready to use
You have free access to hundreds of ready to use materials online in our community based library.
Materials assistant
A fast-track materials editor which build the basics for you – saving you lots of time. Choose a category and the assistant will help you create perfectly optimised materials for your scene in just seconds!
Realistic Camera Model
The camera in Maxwell Render has all the parameters you would expect in a real camera - f-Stop, Focal Length, Shutter speed, ISO, film size, diaphragm blades. This means that DOF, bokeh and the exposure match your live footage - making the compositing stage far quicker and simpler.
Memory Saving Instances
Instances are a great way to save memory when rendering. With 10,000 instances of 1 object, Maxwell Render will consume the same amount of memory at render time as if it was rendering only the 1 object. Instances are great for creating vegetation, bricks, furniture or any other extensively repeated geometry in your scene.
Accurate 3D Motion Blur
Maxwell Render's accurate 3D motion blur can now handle unlimited sub-steps, and can be set for both a still camera to mimic long exposure effects such as trails of light, and a film camera to show the motion blur effect of fast moving objects. The amount of motion blur is directly controlled from the camera, by either the shutter speed or the rotary shutter angle.
Hair, Grass and Fur
Maxwell Render's hair rendering tool is compatible with many of the most popular hair systems (Maya Shave and a Haircut, Maya hair, 3ds Max hair, CINEMA hair, or Ornatrix). Hair systems are automatically converted to the Maxwell primitive - which is highly optimized for memory consumption and speed. The hair primitive has actual thickness so any Maxwell material can be applied to it, including transparent, refractive materials.
The Maxwell Render grass generator allows you to quickly create grass on a selected piece of geometry. Designed to offer maximum control over the look of the grass - from impeccable detail on close-up shots to fast-rendering further away from the camera. Compatible with Maxwell Studio and almost all supported plugins.
The volumetric feature in Maxwell can work in several ways: as a constant density volumetric object - useful for large atmospheric haze effects or thick fog, it can work with particles files in several formats including RealFlow .bin, and also with density fields/voxels directly from Maya or Houdini.
Particle Rendering
RealFlow Integration
Maxwell Render is compatible 'out of the box' with Next Limit's RealFlow™ software, giving RealFlow™ users the option to use Maxwell Render as their render engine of choice. Render your RealFlow™ particles directly with Maxwell Render, meshing the point cloud at render time.
Maxwell Sea
Maxwell Sea creates realistic ocean surfaces and waves based on the Ocean Statistical Spectrum from RealFlow. Various parameters such as water depth and surface dimensions allow you to produce a convincing water surface, from swimming pools to open ocean. The meshing is only done at render time, meaning it takes up almost no extra space in the .MXS file.
Industry Standart Support
The Alembic file format allows for very efficient storage of geometry and other scene data, which can now be referenced directly in Maxwell. Support for Alembic includes static and animated geometry as well as particles. It also works with the Exocortex CRATE suite of Alembic plugins.
Deep Compositing
Maxwell can render in 'deep image' format, which stores color as well as depth information per pixel, making it much easier to composite rendered objects together as well as eliminating troublesome edge artefacts. You can save the deep info in either .EXR or .DTEX formats, in rgba or alpha.
Pixar Open SubDiv
The Subdivision feature allows you to subdivide low-polygon objects into smooth surfaces, by implementing Pixar OpenSubdiv. Because it's subdividing the geometry only at render time - your scene files take up far less space and can be transferred much faster around your network. OpenSubdiv is owned by Pixar. Copyright (C) Pixar. All rights reserved
Python scripting
Maxwell Render has a Python SDK with online documentation. With Python you have access to almost all the features of Maxwell Render, allowing you to write custom tools such as extracting certain channels from an MXI sequence, rendering a turn-table animation of all your scene assets for easy referencing, creating materials on the fly, network render management and much much more.
Maxwell Render's powerful networking capabilities are multi-platform, allowing for a mixture of Windows, OSX and Linux in the same network. You can set Maxwell Render to render one image using all of your computers, or set each computer to render one animation frame. Complete control and flexibility.
Post Production
Post production plugins
We offer plugins for NUKE, After Effects and Photoshop which can load Maxwell Render's high dynamic range format (MXI).
The Alembic file format allows for very efficient storage of geometry and other scene data, which can now be referenced directly in Maxwell. Support for Alembic includes static and animated geometry as well as particles. It also works with the Exocortex CRATE suite of Alembic plugins.
Custom Alphas
Create unlimited 'layers' of alphas and add any object(s) to those layers, which allows you to isolate the exact objects you need.
Нововведения 3.2 релиза:
Virtual Reality stereo lenses
Gear up for a camera traveling in virtual reality (VR) systems such as Oculus. V3.2 comes with two new lens types: Lat/Long and Stereo Fish Lens which make this possible.
More speed – Subsurface Scattering
Maxwell V3.2 comes with super speed improvements when using subsurface scattering. Remarkable quality, now remarkably faster!
Nested Dielectrics
A major improvement, especially for anyone rendering fluids. Interacting dielectrics render much better now in Maxwell V3.2 with its new Nested Priority method. It is now possible to render complex water/glass/ice surface without numerical issues - just simply add a small overlap between geometries.
PSD Output support
Maxwell V3.2 can now save the render in PSD format in 8, 16 and 32 bits. It supports multi-layered PSD’s so channels and light buffers (when Multilight is enabled) can be embedded as separated passes. Simple!
Extensions API
Third party developers can develop their own procedural geometries, geometry modifiers, procedural textures, camera lens, etc. The possibilities are endless! This API extension is included with the main package and is free for both personal and commercial use.
Procedural Emitters
With V3.2 it’s now possible to apply emitter materials to entities that are not triangle meshes – such as hair/fur, particles and grass.
Separated Reflection & Refraction channels
With V3.2 there are more channel combinations – such as “Diffuse”, “Reflections”, “Diffuse + Reflections”, “Refractions”, “Reflections+Refractions”. Rendering the diffuse and reflective components separately allows for greater flexibility when compositing.
New 'Reflectance' channel
This new channel shows plain colors without the influence of global illumination. It’s very useful for achieving “self-illuminated textures” when used in combination with custom alpha channels.
Improvements in Multilight editor
In V3.2 you can now select and edit multiple emitters at the same time, and there is a new “Sort by name/type/intensity” function.
New 'Asset Reference' extension
You can now reference many different file formats as the geometries are no longer pre-converted to MXS. Instead, Maxwell now works with them directly and they are loaded at render time. A great workflow improvement - especially for 3D platforms with no supported plugin.
Some of the supported formats include OBJ, FBX, Blender, Alembic, DAE, STL, LXO, 3DS, LWO, 3D, etc.
World-Y Grass
This new percentage allows you to define the overall growth direction of your grass blades towards the world-Y axis (sky direction) – giving you more realism in one simple click!
3.2.1 Release Notes:
Fixes in this version
- Improvements in voxelization performance
- Fixed more details in the Onshape connection
- Default value for parallax distance in Lat-Long Stereo lens changed from 3600 to 360
- pymaxwell editor improved to ident/unident blocks of text. Dropping files fixed
- Studio: fixed some procedural textures were displayed in the GUI when they should not
- Fix bug when opening single "Y" channel EXR files.
- Brick procedural texture: fixed random problems with missing paths. Fixed using procedural textures inside map parameters of brick procedural
Fixes included in Early Build version
- Fixed performance issues during voxelization (update your plugin when available)
- Fixed potential crash with motion blur in objects with children
- Improvements in floating shadows in FIRE
- Pymaxwell editor improved
- Fixed some GUI issues
- Studio: Fixed when exporting MXMs material names were cropped if they contained dots
- HDR Light Studio: Fixed problems loading problems under certain scenarios
- Network: Better detection of IP address or hostname of the manager to connect to.
Fixes included in Early Build version
- Fixed several bugs with stereo lenses
- Fixed some Mac GUI issues
- Fixed extensions presets were not loading some map parameters correctly.
- Fixed scene_dependencies.ms script was obsolete.
- Fixed bugs with HDR Light Studio connection
- Improvements in the Onshape connection
- OpenVDB updated to v3.0
Fixes included in Early Build version
- Fixed some threading issues that could be affecting stability
- Fixed some details in hair material assistant
- Onshape connection: fixed bugs in several areas
- Fixed procedural textures were not working with new stereo lenses
- Fixed some gui issues and default values in lens extensions (StereoFish and Lat-Long Stereo)
- Fixed HDR Light Studio v4 was not loading correctly
- Fixed issues with batch renders when Monitor and Manager where running Windows and nodes were running Linux
- Fixed preview jobs was not working
3.2 Release Notes:
New Features
- Nested Dielectrics: Nested priority method for interacting dielectrics. Render complex water/glass/ice surface without numerical issues - just simply add a small overlap between geometries.
- Stereo Lenses: Two new lens types implemented- Stereo Fish Lens and Lat/Long. They are suitable for virtual reality (VR) systems such as Oculus.
- Extensions API: 3rd party developers can now develop their own procedural geometries, geometry modifiers, procedural textures, camera lens, etc.This extension API is included with the main package.
- PSD Output support: Maxwell can now save the render in PSD format in 8, 16 and 32 bits.
- Procedural Emitters: Apply emitter materials to non-triangle mesh entities such as hair, particles, etc.
- Separated Reflection & Refraction channels: Render more combinations such as "Diffuse", "Reflections", "Diffuse + Reflections", "Refractions".
- New "Reflectance" channel: Shows plain colors without the influence of global illumination.
- New "Asset Reference" extension: Reference a variety of file formats directly in Studio without pre-converting to MXS.
- Subsurface Scattering: Significant speed improvements have been made
- Maxwell Scatter: New "remove overlapped" option to avoid collisions between instances generated by the scatter algorithm, and new "uniform scaling" option to avoid undesired deforming when scaling scattered instances
- Multilight editor: Added feature to select and edit multiple emitters at the same time + new "Sort by name/type/intensity" functions
- Grass and Scatter "Grow Towards World-Y" option: This percentage allows you to define if the main growing direction of the blades will be completely vertical towards the world-Y axis (when set to 100%), perpendicular to the "ground" surface (when set to 0%) or at any value in between.
Bug Fixes
- The new "nested dielectrics" feature also fixes artifacts with dielectrics/SSS objects that intersect.
- Fixed artifacts rendering intersecting volumetrics
- Error messaging improved, specially with licensing errors.
- Fixed issues in opaque material type when using textures
- Color space management of input textures improved
- Fixed "hidden from reflections and refractions" was not working properly with coatings.
- Fixed instances of hidden reference were not visible unless they were translated
- Fixed issue with scaled instances of procedural geometries not showing up in the render
- Extra Sampling
- Fixed Extra Sampling with render region was not stopping at the desired sampling level
- Better support for missing paths for bitmap masks
- Fixed custom alpha channels in referenced MXS
- Fixed other minor bugs
- Fixed potential crash in procedural displacement
- Fix potential crash when using EXR in OSX
- Fixed hang when using deep channel at very high resolutions
- Fixed crash when opening/resuming corrupted MXI files
- Fixed issue in texture interpolation
- On the fly displacement improved.
- The new network system (tp_network) is much more stable now. Many features of the old network system have been added.
- Better support for Extra Sampling in cooperative renders
Процедура лечения:
1. Установить программу, вместе с RLM сервером лицензирования (по умолчанию не ставится)
2. Остановить службу сервера "rlm-nl" (панель управления / администрирование / службы)
3. Скопировать 5 файлов в каталог сервера с заменой исходных:
nextlimit.lic / nextlimit.set / rlm.exe / rlmhostid.exe / rlmreread.exe
(в файле лицензий можно поменять поле customer, чтобы изменить имя в окне о программе)
4. Запустите rlm.exe, консоль должна обнаружить файл lic и список лицензий из него
(при запущенном rlm.exe можно посмотреть прочие настройки в http://localhost:5054/home.asp)
5. Запустите службу сервера и на этом лечение завершено
Скачать программу Next Limit Maxwell Render + Plugins [En] (2016) через торрент
Загрузил: 3 мая 2016 21:37
Статус: Проверено
Размер: 0.98 GB [Как скачать?]
Раздают: 27 Качают: 36 Скачали: 90
Начало раздачи: | 03 мая 2016 в 21:37 |
Раздает: | Скрыт |
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