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Название: | Active@ LiveCD 3.1 (x86-x64) [Eng] скачать торрент |
Год выпуска: | 2015 |
ОС: | Windows |
Категория: | Разное |
Требования: | Процессор Intel / AMD ОЗУ: 512 или больше (рекомендуется 1 ГБ) CD / DVD-диск или запоминающее USB-устройство для загрузки |
Язык интерфейса: | Eng |
Лекарство: | не требуется |
Рейтинг на сайте: |
Описание: Active@ LiveCD - это самая настоящая операционная система на CD/DVD/USB диске. Чтобы загрузить этот спасательный диск, который содержит в себе множество инструментов для работы с дисками, вам нужно всего-лишь записать образ на диск или USB флешку и перезагрузить компьютер.
Active@ LiveCD включает в себя набор мощных инструментов, которые позволят Вам восстановить потерянные данные, сбросить пароли учетных записей Windows, создать резервные копии системы и надежно стирать данные без возможности восстановления.
Active@ LiveCD является загрузочным CD, и может использоваться даже для компьютеров, на которых не загружается основная операционная система.
- Чтение / запись доступ к почти всем файловым системам: NTFS, FAT / ExFAT, Ext2 / Ext3 / Ext4, Btrfs, f2fs, ReiserFS, HFS +, JFS, UFS, XFS, ZFS
- Поддерживаемые режимы загрузки : legacy BIOS and UEFI secure boot (x86 & x64)
- Конфигурация рабочего могут быть настроены и сохранены в USB, а затем восстановлен для следующих сессий
- Wi-Fi, VNC, VPN
Мобильные сетевые соединения поддерживается
Active @ LiveCD особенности и утилиты:
Ability to start non-bootable PC for the data access and recovery
Boot Disk can be started from a CD or USB flash drive Boots up any machine from a portable media: CD, DVD, Blu-ray disc or USB flash disk
BIOS and UEFI secure boot supported All boot modes supported: legacy BIOS and the latest UEFI secure boot (x86 & x64)
Saving and restoring desktop configuration Desktop configuration can be customized & saved to USB, then restored for next sessions
Anti-virus software included Virus detection and infected systems repair, anti-virus scanner included
Almost all file systems supported for read-write access R/W access to: NTFS,FAT/exFAT,Ext2/Ext3/Ext4,BtrFS,F2FS,ReiserFS,HFS+,JFS,UFS,XFS,ZFS
Data recovery & file recovery tools Ability to recover deleted, damaged or re-formatted volumes & undelete files being lost
Disk data backup and restore options Ability to back up volumes & local disks and to restore them back in case of system crash
Secure data erasing tools Ability to erase all data on volumes securely, 23 international erasing standards supported
Secure data erasing tools Ability to inspect data on a low-level, view & edit raw disk's sectors in hexadecimal editor
Secure data erasing tools Ability to reset local user passwords and user account attributes for Windows OS family
Apper Software Manager downloads and installs additional packages Software Manager: Downloads & Installs extra RPM packages from web repositories
System Tools: Partition Editor & Expert Partitioner System Tools: Expert Partitioner manages any types of disks, volumes, RAIDs, networking
Two different file managers included for convenient data access File managers: Dolphin & Krusader let you browse, search, copy/move files & folders
Configure Desktop applet customizes appearance, configures Network, Power Saving, etc... Desktop: Control Panel configures User Accounts, Networking, Workspace, Display,...
Network Folder Wizard provides network connections Networking: Connection Manager for Wired and Wireless (Wi-Fi) Connections, VPN,...
Network Folder Wizard provides network connections Networking: Network Folder Wizard connects WebAdv, FTP, SSH & MS Windows shares
Internet can be accessed via Web Browser Internet: QupZilla web browser, Sylpheed mail client, other tools cab be downloaded
Remmina Remote Desktop Client connectivity tool Remote access: Remote Desktop Client supports RDP, SFTP, SSH, VNC secure connections
HDD, RAM, CPU & Network monitoring utilities included Status & health monitoring: Disks, RAM, CPU & Network monitoring utilities included
Graphics & Multimedia tools Graphics & multimedia: Image/Picture Viewers, Sound Mixer, CD/DVD Disc Burner
Office Documents can be previewed with Okular Document Viewer Okular Document Viewer previews PDF, EPS, DjVu, FB2, eBook, CHM and other documents
Advanced Text Editor with colouring schemas included Advanced Text Editor previews/edits files stored in many text formats, colouring supported
TrueCrypt/RealCrypt encrypted volumes can be accessed
Security: Encrypted with TrueCrypt volumes and files can be attached and managed
Console Terminals: Konsole, Super User Mode, XTerm, Telnet Console terminals: Konsole Terminal, Super User Mode Terminal, XTerm & Telnet
Support tools: Calculator, Archiver.. Support tools: Ark Archiver, Calculator, Screen Capture, Info Centre, Clipboard Manager
File Systems: Linux Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, BtrFS, F2FS, ReiserFS; Microsoft FAT/exFAT, NTFS; Apple HFS+; IBM JFS; Unix UFS, XFS, ZFS
Storages: SATA / eSATA / HDD / SSD / IDE / SCSI / RAID / LUN / USB / Media Cards: SanDisk, MMC, CompactFlash, MemoryStick,...
Operating Systems for Backup/Restore, Repair/Recovery from: Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Linux, Unix
Release Note
v.3.1 (Sep 10, 2015) — Linux updated to version 13.2 (including new drivers and firmware). — Added Xorg drivers for modern and legacy video adapters; — Added Sylpheed - lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client; — Included latest Active@ software versions.
Файл: ActiveLiveCD.EXE
CRC-32: a95fdd0f
MD4: 5eac21cb34545d22d2315a81ac504542
MD5: 0faf62f30157ce2f88ede87f68116597
SHA-1: c9ef9e97f1e98cc251f30ab69da9ab6eff3ab2c9
Active@ LiveCD включает в себя набор мощных инструментов, которые позволят Вам восстановить потерянные данные, сбросить пароли учетных записей Windows, создать резервные копии системы и надежно стирать данные без возможности восстановления.
Active@ LiveCD является загрузочным CD, и может использоваться даже для компьютеров, на которых не загружается основная операционная система.
- Чтение / запись доступ к почти всем файловым системам: NTFS, FAT / ExFAT, Ext2 / Ext3 / Ext4, Btrfs, f2fs, ReiserFS, HFS +, JFS, UFS, XFS, ZFS
- Поддерживаемые режимы загрузки : legacy BIOS and UEFI secure boot (x86 & x64)
- Конфигурация рабочего могут быть настроены и сохранены в USB, а затем восстановлен для следующих сессий
- Wi-Fi, VNC, VPN
Мобильные сетевые соединения поддерживается
Active @ LiveCD особенности и утилиты:
Ability to start non-bootable PC for the data access and recovery
Boot Disk can be started from a CD or USB flash drive Boots up any machine from a portable media: CD, DVD, Blu-ray disc or USB flash disk
BIOS and UEFI secure boot supported All boot modes supported: legacy BIOS and the latest UEFI secure boot (x86 & x64)
Saving and restoring desktop configuration Desktop configuration can be customized & saved to USB, then restored for next sessions
Anti-virus software included Virus detection and infected systems repair, anti-virus scanner included
Almost all file systems supported for read-write access R/W access to: NTFS,FAT/exFAT,Ext2/Ext3/Ext4,BtrFS,F2FS,ReiserFS,HFS+,JFS,UFS,XFS,ZFS
Data recovery & file recovery tools Ability to recover deleted, damaged or re-formatted volumes & undelete files being lost
Disk data backup and restore options Ability to back up volumes & local disks and to restore them back in case of system crash
Secure data erasing tools Ability to erase all data on volumes securely, 23 international erasing standards supported
Secure data erasing tools Ability to inspect data on a low-level, view & edit raw disk's sectors in hexadecimal editor
Secure data erasing tools Ability to reset local user passwords and user account attributes for Windows OS family
Apper Software Manager downloads and installs additional packages Software Manager: Downloads & Installs extra RPM packages from web repositories
System Tools: Partition Editor & Expert Partitioner System Tools: Expert Partitioner manages any types of disks, volumes, RAIDs, networking
Two different file managers included for convenient data access File managers: Dolphin & Krusader let you browse, search, copy/move files & folders
Configure Desktop applet customizes appearance, configures Network, Power Saving, etc... Desktop: Control Panel configures User Accounts, Networking, Workspace, Display,...
Network Folder Wizard provides network connections Networking: Connection Manager for Wired and Wireless (Wi-Fi) Connections, VPN,...
Network Folder Wizard provides network connections Networking: Network Folder Wizard connects WebAdv, FTP, SSH & MS Windows shares
Internet can be accessed via Web Browser Internet: QupZilla web browser, Sylpheed mail client, other tools cab be downloaded
Remmina Remote Desktop Client connectivity tool Remote access: Remote Desktop Client supports RDP, SFTP, SSH, VNC secure connections
HDD, RAM, CPU & Network monitoring utilities included Status & health monitoring: Disks, RAM, CPU & Network monitoring utilities included
Graphics & Multimedia tools Graphics & multimedia: Image/Picture Viewers, Sound Mixer, CD/DVD Disc Burner
Office Documents can be previewed with Okular Document Viewer Okular Document Viewer previews PDF, EPS, DjVu, FB2, eBook, CHM and other documents
Advanced Text Editor with colouring schemas included Advanced Text Editor previews/edits files stored in many text formats, colouring supported
TrueCrypt/RealCrypt encrypted volumes can be accessed
Security: Encrypted with TrueCrypt volumes and files can be attached and managed
Console Terminals: Konsole, Super User Mode, XTerm, Telnet Console terminals: Konsole Terminal, Super User Mode Terminal, XTerm & Telnet
Support tools: Calculator, Archiver.. Support tools: Ark Archiver, Calculator, Screen Capture, Info Centre, Clipboard Manager
File Systems: Linux Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, BtrFS, F2FS, ReiserFS; Microsoft FAT/exFAT, NTFS; Apple HFS+; IBM JFS; Unix UFS, XFS, ZFS
Storages: SATA / eSATA / HDD / SSD / IDE / SCSI / RAID / LUN / USB / Media Cards: SanDisk, MMC, CompactFlash, MemoryStick,...
Operating Systems for Backup/Restore, Repair/Recovery from: Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Linux, Unix
Release Note
v.3.1 (Sep 10, 2015) — Linux updated to version 13.2 (including new drivers and firmware). — Added Xorg drivers for modern and legacy video adapters; — Added Sylpheed - lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client; — Included latest Active@ software versions.
Файл: ActiveLiveCD.EXE
CRC-32: a95fdd0f
MD4: 5eac21cb34545d22d2315a81ac504542
MD5: 0faf62f30157ce2f88ede87f68116597
SHA-1: c9ef9e97f1e98cc251f30ab69da9ab6eff3ab2c9
Скачать программу Active@ LiveCD 3.1 (x86-x64) [Eng] (2015) через торрент
Загрузил: 18 сентября 2015 21:27
Статус: Проверено
Размер: 461.09 MB [Как скачать?]
Раздают: 135 Качают: 180 Скачали: 448
Начало раздачи: | 18 сентября 2015 в 21:28 |
Раздает: | Скрыт |
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